[[!tag announcement ick]]

It gives me no small amount of satisfaction to announce the ALPHA-6 version of ick, my fledgling continuous integration and deployment engine. Ick has been now deployed and used by other people than myself.

Ick can, right now:

  • Build system trees for containers.
  • Use system trees to run builds in containers.
  • Build Debian packages.
  • Publish Debian packages via its own APT repository.
  • Deploy to a production server.

There's still many missing features. Ick is by no means ready to replace your existing CI/CD system, but if you'd like to have a look at ick, and help us make it the CI/CD system of your dreams, now is a good time to give it a whirl.

(Big missing features: web UI, building for multiple CPU architectures, dependencies between projects, good documentation, a development community. I intend to make all of these happen in due time. Help would be welcome.)