[[!tag obnam btree]]

I think I need a B-tree implementation for Obnam, in Python. I could not find anything suitable so I wrote my own. However, since it about two decades since my data structures class at university, I probably messed it up. Please tell me how?

I include the code below, and it can also be found via bzr:

bzr get http://code.liw.fi/btree/bzr/trunk/

The code in bzr may get updated; I will keep the code below static. The bzr branch also contains some automatic test cases.

One of the requirements I have for the B-tree code is that it needs to update things via copy-on-write. In Obnam, I will not overwrite data on disk, I will instead write a new file, and then do garbage collection at a later time to reclaim the files that are no longer needed. This will be necessary for implementing backup generations, for example. That's why some of the code might be a bit weird.

Once I have some confidence that my code works, I will extend the tree code to use some external, user-provided mechanism for storing the nodes, and to use the size of the nodes in bytes as the limiting factor, not the number of keys.

In addition to bugs, I welcome any other feedback.

class Node(dict):

    '''Abstract base class for index and leaf nodes.

    A node may be initialized with a list of (key, value) pairs. For
    leaf nodes, the values are the actual values. For index nodes, they
    are references to other nodes.


    def keys(self):
        '''Return keys in the node, sorted.'''
        return sorted(dict.keys(self))

    def first_key(self):
        '''Return smallest key in the node.'''
        return self.keys()[0]

    def pairs(self, exclude=None):
        '''Return (key, value) pairs in the node.

        ``exclude`` can be set to a list of keys that should be excluded
        from the list.


        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []
        return sorted((key, self[key]) for key in self if key not in exclude)

class LeafNode(Node):

    '''Leaf node in the tree.

    A leaf node contains key/value pairs, and has no children.



class IndexNode(Node):

    '''Index node in the tree.

    An index node contains pairs of keys and references to other nodes.
    The other nodes may be either index nodes or leaf nodes.


    def __init__(self, pairs):
        for key, child in pairs:
            assert type(key) == str
            assert isinstance(child, IndexNode) or isinstance(child, LeafNode)
        dict.__init__(self, pairs)

    def find_key_for_child_containing(self, key):
        '''Return key for the child that contains ``key``.'''
        for k in reversed(self.keys()):
            if key >= k:
                return k
        return None

class BTree(object):


    The tree is balanced, and has a fan-out factor given to the initializer
    as its only argument. The fan-out factor determines how aggressively
    the tree expands at each level.

    Three basic operations are available to the tree: lookup, insert, and


    def __init__(self, fanout):
        self.root = IndexNode([])
        self.fanout = fanout
        self.min_index_length = self.fanout
        self.max_index_length = 2 * self.fanout + 1

    def lookup(self, key):
        '''Return value corresponding to ``key``.

        If the key is not in the tree, raise ``KeyError``.


        return self._lookup(self.root, key)

    def _lookup(self, node, key):
        if isinstance(node, LeafNode):
            return node[key]
            k = node.find_key_for_child_containing(key)
            if k is None:
                raise KeyError(key)
                return self._lookup(node[k], key)

    def insert(self, key, value):
        '''Insert a new key/value pair into the tree.

        If the key already existed in the tree, the old value is silently


        a, b = self._insert(self.root, key, value)
        if b is None:
            self.root = a
            self.root = IndexNode([(a.first_key(), a),
                                   (b.first_key(), b)])

    def _insert(self, node, key, value):
        if isinstance(node, LeafNode):
            return self._insert_into_leaf(node, key, value)
        elif len(node) == 0:
            return self._insert_into_empty_root(key, value)
        elif len(node) == self.max_index_length:
            return self._insert_into_full_index(node, key, value)
            return self._insert_into_nonfull_index(node, key, value)

    def _insert_into_leaf(self, leaf, key, value):
        pairs = sorted(leaf.pairs(exclude=[key]) + [(key, value)])
        if len(pairs) <= self.fanout:
            return LeafNode(pairs), None
            n = len(pairs) / 2
            leaf1 = LeafNode(pairs[:n])
            leaf2 = LeafNode(pairs[n:])
            return leaf1, leaf2

    def _insert_into_empty_root(self, key, value):
        leaf = LeafNode([(key, value)])
        return IndexNode([(leaf.first_key(), leaf)]), None

    def _insert_into_full_index(self, node, key, value):
        # A full index node needs to be split, then key/value inserted into
        # one of the halves.
        pairs = node.pairs()
        n = len(pairs) / 2
        node1 = IndexNode(pairs[:n])
        node2 = IndexNode(pairs[n:])
        if key <  node2.first_key():
            a, b = self._insert(node1, key, value)
            assert b is None
            return a, node2
            a, b = self._insert(node2, key, value)
            assert b is None
            return node1, a

    def _insert_into_nonfull_index(self, node, key, value):        
        # Insert into correct child, get up to two replacements for
        # that child.

        k = node.find_key_for_child_containing(key)
        if k is None:
            k = node.first_key()

        a, b = self._insert(node[k], key, value)
        assert a is not None
        pairs = node.pairs(exclude=[k]) + [(a.first_key(), a)]
        if b is not None:
            pairs += [(b.first_key(), b)]
        assert len(pairs) <= self.max_index_length
        return IndexNode(pairs), None

    def remove(self, key):
        '''Remove ``key`` and its associated value from tree.

        If key is not in the tree, ``KeyValue`` is raised.


        self.root = self._remove(self.root, key)
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = IndexNode([])

    def _remove(self, node, key):
        if isinstance(node, LeafNode):
            return self._remove_from_leaf(node, key)
            k = node.find_key_for_child_containing(key)
            if k is None:
                raise KeyError(key)
            elif len(node[k]) <= self.min_index_length:
                return self._remove_from_minimal_index(node, key, k) 
                return self._remove_from_nonminimal_index(node, key, k)

    def _remove_from_leaf(self, node, key):
        if key in node:
            pairs = node.pairs(exclude=[key])
            if pairs:
                return LeafNode(pairs)
                return None
            raise KeyError(key)

    def _merge(self, n1, n2):
        if isinstance(n1, IndexNode):
            assert isinstance(n2, IndexNode)
            return IndexNode(n1.pairs() + n2.pairs())
            assert isinstance(n1, LeafNode)
            assert isinstance(n2, LeafNode)
            return LeafNode(n1.pairs() + n2.pairs())

    def _remove_from_minimal_index(self, node, key, child_key):
        exclude = [child_key]
        new_ones = []
        child = self._remove(node[child_key], key)

        if child is not None:
            keys = node.keys()
            i = keys.index(child_key)

            # If possible, merge with left or right sibling.
            if i > 0 and len(node[keys[i-1]]) < self.max_index_length:
                new_ones.append(self._merge(node[keys[i-1]], child))
            elif i+1 < len(keys) and len(node[keys[i+1]]) < self.max_index_length:
                new_ones.append(self._merge(node[keys[i+1]], child))

        others = node.pairs(exclude=exclude)
        if others + new_ones:
            return IndexNode(others + [(n.first_key(), n) for n in new_ones])
            return None

    def _remove_from_nonminimal_index(self, node, key, child_key):
        child = self._remove(node[child_key], key)
        pairs = node.pairs(exclude=[child_key])
        if child is not None:
            pairs += [(child.first_key(), child)]
        assert pairs
        return IndexNode(pairs)